发表时间: 2014/09/19
How much work experience do I need?
Four years (48 months) of acceptable professional work experienceare required for regular membership. This experience may be accrued whileyou're in the CFA Program, after you've passed all three exam levels, or fromprevious positions. Just remember that you must be a regular member to beeligible for the CFA charter.
What's acceptable work experience?
You are required to spend at least 50 percent of your time inqualifying activities to accrue your required professional work experience.Summer, part-time, and internship positions do not qualify. Managing your owninvestments does not qualify.
Qualifying activities include being:
Directly involved in the investment decision making process
Engaged in responsibilities and/or producing a work product thatinforms or adds value to that process
View list of sample job titles.
Look at some sample work experience descriptions.
Sample Job Titles
Titles alone can't determine your qualifications for regularmembership. You must spend at least 50% of your time in the investmentdecision-making process.
Many of our members hold these job titles. This listing illustratesthe range of positions that can qualify for regular membership in CFAInstitute, but positions with other titles can qualify as well. The details youprovide about your work experience will determine your eligibility formembership.
本文出处: 北京国际金融培训中心
本文出处: 北京国际金融培训中心